Saturday, March 27, 2010

Principle #12--Psalms of Discipleship

Warm "prayerful" greetings to you my friends! A quick glance at today's headlines gives further proof we are ill-equipped to make this journey of faith alone. We need Some One who will care for us, who will encourage us, who will offer us a safe refuge during the storms of this life. This is today's good news: we have direct access to the One who meets our every need (Hebrews 4:16). His name is Jesus and He can be accessed through prayer. May we cry out to Him and fall into His loving arms.

Praying for you; thanks for praying for me,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #12

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: O LORD my God, in You I have taken refuge; Save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me, Psalm 7:1

Core Value: Prayer

When are we to pray? The Bible says that God’s people are to pray without ceasing, to pray always—night and day (1 Thess. 3:10; 1 Tim. 5:5; Acts 10:2; 1 Thess. 5:17). One of the biggest challenges to hurdle in the area of developing a dynamic prayer life is to understand that prayer is just like breathing; without it one may die spiritually. There is the great need to pray night and day, to pray regularly, to pray continually. It takes an effort to pray. The quality disciple is more than willing to invest one’s time in something that will produce eternal results. It all boils down to a choice of the will—will the disciple pray?

And, are we praying enough? Richard Foster makes an excellent point about the frequency of prayer in the believer’s life. He believes that Christians tend to pray more than one thinks: “Countless people, you see, pray far more than they know. Often they have such a ‘stained-glass’ image of prayer that they fail to recognize what they are experiencing as prayer and so condemn themselves for not praying.”

Self-condemnation = spiritual defeat. Grace richly applied in prayer = spiritual victory!

Principle #12 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ knows that prayer offered in Jesus’ name will lead him or her to put trust in the One who is our Refuge.

• When we are surrounded by our enemies, we need to remember our relationship with “O LORD my God.”

• When our circumstances are bleak and all hope seems lost, we need to remember where we take refuge; in the name of the LORD our God.

• When we take refuge in the LORD we find ourselves in a place of great strength, protection, and safety. This is the wonderful promise of Scripture: The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10 (NASB95)

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

When I sense spiritual danger, how do I find my way into the safe place the Lord provides?

What will make my prayer life effective when there is a war of challenging circumstances raging around me?

Lord Jesus, You are my Refuge, my Protector, my Shield, my Defender, my Deliverer, and my Guard. May it be said of me that when my enemies seek to drive me away from what I know to be true, I would take refuge and put my trust in the One who is the lover of my soul.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Principle #11--Psalms of Discipleship

"Is anyone listening to me?"

Have you ever felt lost in the white noise of life around you? Have you ever felt that you were failing to connect with those who are closest to you?

A warm greeting to you, my friends. Today's Psalms of Discipleship addresses this great human need; the need to be heard. One thing we can be certain of today: the Lord not only hears us when we pray, but He also is focused upon the cry of our heart. May we all be encouraged this week as we contemplate upon the blessing of praying to Him.

Praying for you; thanks for praying for me,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #11

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: The LORD has heard my supplication, The LORD receives my prayer. Psalm 6:9

Core Value: Prayer

Who is to pray? Every believer is to pray. No one is exempt from the joy and responsibility of having a dialogue with God. God, the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, has requested the presence of His children (Heb. 4:15-16). It is through prayer that the believer can approach the throne of grace and receive mercy and find grace to help us in one’s time of need. A quality disciple understands the unique privilege that God has given. The benefit of the discipline of prayer is that it will help the disciple grow spiritually. A disciple who is trained to pray will become a mover and shaker in one’s generation.

Principle #11 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ not only prays to the Lord, but he or she also knows that God hears them too.

• The Lord not only hears our prayer, but receives it, accepts it, captures it and treasures this intimate conversation with the Creator God and His creation.

• The Lord has an ear to hear even the whispered cries for help from the deepest and darkest parts of our soul.

• The Lord takes delight in having a conversation with His disciples.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

When I pray, how confident am I in my heart that He is interested in listening to me?

What kinds of prayer requests are heavy on my heart today?

Lord Jesus, what an amazing thing it is that You not only hear my prayer (imperfect as it may be), but You receive my prayer; You do not ignore me and turn me away. Please remind me to trust You with the concerns of my heart, both great and small; for You, O Lord, intimately care for me.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Principle #10--Psalms of Discipleship

Warmest greetings to you my friends! How blessed each one of us are today. Jesus loves us--no matter our circumstance, no matter how well we perform, no matter at all. This is good news. In this week's Psalms of Discipleship, the psalmist reminds us why we can be glad. The Lord is in control and we are not. This is why grace and worship are such gifts to the disciple. May each one of us this week gain a fresh appreciation for the grace of God and our worship of Him.

Finding refuge in Him,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #10

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: 11 But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You. 12 For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:11-12

Core Value: Grace and Worship

Grace and worship are forever coupled together. Because of grace, we can worship God in a way that pleases Him. Because of worship, we gain an even deeper appreciation for His grace. When the believer learns how to worship God and then do so in love and obedience, spiritual growth will occur. James MacDonald says it well. One needs to have the right view of God when he writes, “A. W. Tozer rightly observed that what you think about God is the most important thing about you. It’s true whether you realize it or not: your entire life revolves around your view of God” (Downpour. 2006, pg. 49).

Principle #10 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ is so moved by the grace of God that he or she has a heart of worship that gushes unbridled joy in adoration and praise.

• It is God’s grace that causes a disciple to worship because a safe refuge can be found in the Lord. We are glad.

• It is God’s grace that causes a disciple to worship because the song of joy has no end. We are filled.

• It is God’s grace that causes a disciple to worship because they personally experience the blessings promised to the righteous man and woman. We are blessed.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

When I feel threatened and ill at ease, how do I find my refuge in the Lord?

When I am depressed, what promises does God provide me according to this Psalm?

Lord Jesus, there are certainly times during my spiritual journey where I feel a bit wayward and detached from You. Thank You for the reminder from Your Word that You have promised me a refuge, a personal gladness, a song of joy, and the blessing that comes according to the impartation of Your righteousness in my life. You do surround me with favor as with a shield.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.

Principle #9--Psalms of Discipleship

True, biblical worship is never about us; but always about Him.

Hello my friends. Greetings to you again.

I was thinking out loud earlier today and pondered why I do what I do. For example, do I serve others so they will like me more? Do I l attend church in order to be seen by others? Do I love the Lord because He first loved me or do I love Him in order to get Him to bless me more?

Motives....Motives...Motives....Why do we do what we do? Why do we worship the Lord, really?

This week's Psalm of Discipleship explores what it means to worship God. I believe that all of us will agree that worship of God is a life time commitment and great joy. May our worship be pleasing to the Lord this week.

Keep on pressing on!


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #9

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness I will enter Your house, At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You. Psalm 5:7

Core Value: Worship

“Few individuals deny the importance of worship, but relatively few understand what it means or have a passion to engage God through worship” (George Barna). What does it really mean to “worship” God? The general meaning of the word “worship” is pregnant with meaning. To worship means that we are to bow down, to give reverence to, to adore, to pay homage to. In the New Testament, the English word worship comes from the Greek word, proskuneo. It is where we get the English word, “prostrate.” In the Old Testament, there are two primary meanings of the word worship. One meaning implies a devoted servant. The other meaning suggests a bowing down to. Combined, the Old Testament concept is more than a ritual or an academic exercise—it is a vibrant story of God coming down and telling His people how He wanted to be approached; how He wanted to be worshiped. William Temple illustrates what it means to worship God when he said, “To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God, to feed the mind with the truth of God, to purge the imagination by the beauty of God, to open the heart to the love of God, to devote the will to the purpose of God.”

Principle #9 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ has a keen and reverent respect for the Lord.

A heart that seeks to worship God:

• Is aware of the Lord’s abundant lovingkindness.

• Will do so in a holy temple. (The disciple is His Temple; see 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20)

• Will be Christ-centered and not man-centered.

• Will bow down and be reverent to Him.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

When I seek to worship the Lord am I often distracted by other people around me, beside me, in front of me?

What can I do to make my worship of God not a hollow and ritualistic obligation, but an authentic and meaningful way of life?

Is my heart in the right condition; where it is a holy temple, a place where a proper worship of God can take place?

Lord Jesus, I so desire that my worship of You count for something more than just an emotional feeling and superficial high that flames out when the moment fades. I want to know You more, to love You more, to worship You more; and to worship You in the way it pleases You.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.