Saturday, February 25, 2012

Psalms of Discipleship (Worship) Principle #7 February 25, 2012

Hello my dear friends! Warm greetings to each one of you. Today's Psalms of Discipleship will be an encouragement to you if you are struggling with fear. As believers, we know all of the right answers and know what to do and yet, it can be rather challenging to rise above our fears and rest in the Lord's gracious care of our lives. When you are afraid, what will you do? The Psalmist showed us what he did: he made a choice to trust in the Lord and worship Him. May we all have the grace to do the same.

Trusting with you,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #7

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: 3 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. 4 In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? Psalm 56:3-4

Core Value: Worship

There is a lot in the world to be afraid of these days. Fears of wars and rumors of war pound like a drum in the headlines. The world economy is in a free fall where “civilized” countries are at the brink of financial ruin. Morality is no longer the glue that holds communities together. It was replaced years ago by a “whatever goes” attitude where wrong has become right and right has become wrong. There is a lot to be afraid of these days. Fear can be a subtle form of idolatry. Why? Because fear, unchecked, will become the focus of our attention, not Jesus Christ. Is there a way to rise above the fear that paralyzes and instead embrace the kind of life where fear has to bend its knee to a higher, greater power? Yes, for the disciple of Jesus, there is a way to overcome fear: it is the way of worship of Jesus, the only antidote to fear.

Principle #7 & Personal Application: Quality disciples turn great fear into greater faith by choosing to praise and worship the Lord.

We must . . .

• Turn fear into trust

• Turn fear into praise and worship

• Fear God more than man

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

What kinds of things cause me to be afraid? How quick am I to turn my fear into faith (trust in the Lord)?

How can my decision to worship God in the midst of adversity help me trust Him more?

Lord Jesus, when I am afraid, may I put my trust in You. God, in Your word do I praise and worship You. God, in You I have put my trust. By faith, I shall not fear man but fear and honor and respect only You.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2012 All rights reserved.

What others are saying about A One Year Journey With The Shepherd:

“Denny hit a home run in Psalms of Discipleship, his sincerity in writing brings you into an atmosphere of worship and learning.” Jeff Hoffart. Upper Level Manager, Business Consultant

“I am consumed with excitement and a fresh love for the Lord after reading A One Year Journey With The Shepherd!!! . . . The personal application sections are thought provoking, and attainable. I believe they are challenging in a way that creates a desire, instead of being out of reach for the growing believer.” Ericka Miller, MA Clinical Counseling

Now available in print and eBook formats. See for how you can purchase your copy today!

Why A One Year Journey With The Shepherd May Be A Great Resource For You!

You are invited to spend some time reading and reflecting upon “Psalms of Discipleship: A One Year Journey With The Shepherd,” a simple, easy to use, devotional experience. By spending five minutes or fifty-five minutes on the weekly devotion and Bible study, you will be afforded the opportunity to enhance your spiritual growth. This unique devotional consists of fifty-two practical lessons designed for small group or individual study.

What Is Psalms of Discipleship?

Psalms of Discipleship is:

•Explained Simply
•Practical for Life Situations
•Reflective and Thought-Provoking
•Devotional in Format

This unique devotional consists of not only fifty two lessons designed for small group or individual study, but also includes a topical index for a deeper study as well as a topical bibliography for the quality disciple’s reading list.

It is our hope that Psalms of Discipleship will become a useful tool for you, the reader, to learn how to better live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The format is simple, by design. The commitment to apply the Psalms to your life is up to you. May we all begin to experience a fresh approach to spiritual growth by living the discipled life with the help of grace, worship, Bible study, prayer, community, service, and evangelism.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Psalms of Discipleship (Prayer) Principle #6. February 18, 2012

Now available in Ebook format!
Hello my dear friends! Multiplied grace and peace to you this day. Today's Psalms of Discipleship is a prayer of desperation offered up by the psalmist. He was in trouble. He was under attack from his enemies. They wanted to devour him and he was becoming weary of the fight. Instead of surrendering to them, he surrendered to the Lord. Its a great example of how we are to respond when we are facing our enemies: we need to pray.

Praying for you. Thanks for praying for me.


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #6

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: 1 Give ear to my prayer, O God; And do not hide Yourself from my supplication. 2 Give heed to me and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted, 3 Because of the voice of the enemy, Because of the pressure of the wicked; For they bring down trouble upon me And in anger they bear a grudge against me. 4 My heart is in anguish within me, And the terrors of death have fallen upon me. 5 Fear and trembling come upon me, And horror has overwhelmed me. Psalm 55:1-5

Core Value: Prayer

What are we to do when we are being attacked by our enemies? In a perfect world, everyone would get along with each other, be kind to each other, and would love each other too. It is easy to assume that those who have yet to become disciples of Jesus would be the greatest source of our troubles. After all, they don’t “know” the Lord like we do. However, far more often than not, our greatest challenges can come from within the body of Christ, from those who claim to “know” the Lord. Instead of edifying us, encouraging us, loving and accepting us, they hurt us instead. We begin to experience what I call “Cannibal Christianity” where believers are devoured just as Paul reminded the Galatian churches when he wrote, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another (Gal. 5:14b-15).

Here is the biggest challenge disciples of Jesus face when they are attacked by other believers: to retaliate and bite back or to pray and yield to the power of the Spirit which allows us to “walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16). When we walk by the Spirit, we will do spiritual things . . . like pray.

Principle #6 & Personal Application: Quality disciples, when faced with circumstances that cause overwhelming fear, turn to the Lord in prayer.

The Psalmist David was in serious trouble. His enemies sought to harm him and were sparing no energy in attempting to do so. Like us, he was human. Like us, he was in desperate need of His Lord. A disciple of Jesus who faces the terror of life. . .

• Seeks out God in prayer (vs. 1-2)

• Shares the reality of the obstacles with the Lord (vs. 3)

• Speaks honestly with God in describing one’s feelings (vs. 4-5)

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

In what ways does the Lord comfort me when I feel overwhelmed by fear?

Do I feel I can be honest with God with my inner feelings? In what ways can I be more honest with God?

Lord Jesus, when I am in trouble and feel threatened by my enemies, help me to remember to seek You out in prayer; to share with You the obstacles I am facing; and to speak honestly about what I am feeling.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2012 All rights reserved.

What others are saying about A One Year Journey With The Shepherd:

“Denny hit a home run in Psalms of Discipleship, his sincerity in writing brings you into an atmosphere of worship and learning.” Jeff Hoffart. Upper Level Manager, Business Consultant

“I am consumed with excitement and a fresh love for the Lord after reading A One Year Journey With The Shepherd!!! . . . The personal application sections are thought provoking, and attainable. I believe they are challenging in a way that creates a desire, instead of being out of reach for the growing believer.” Ericka Miller, MA Clinical Counseling

Now available in print and eBook formats. See for how you can purchase your copy today!

Why A One Year Journey With The Shepherd May Be A Great Resource For You!

You are invited to spend some time reading and reflecting upon “Psalms of Discipleship: A One Year Journey With The Shepherd,” a simple, easy to use, devotional experience. By spending five minutes or fifty-five minutes on the weekly devotion and Bible study, you will be afforded the opportunity to enhance your spiritual growth. This unique devotional consists of fifty-two practical lessons designed for small group or individual study.

What Is Psalms of Discipleship?

Psalms of Discipleship is:

•Explained Simply
•Practical for Life Situations
•Reflective and Thought-Provoking
•Devotional in Format

This unique devotional consists of not only fifty two lessons designed for small group or individual study, but also includes a topical index for a deeper study as well as a topical bibliography for the quality disciple’s reading list.

It is our hope that Psalms of Discipleship will become a useful tool for you, the reader, to learn how to better live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The format is simple, by design. The commitment to apply the Psalms to your life is up to you. May we all begin to experience a fresh approach to spiritual growth by living the discipled life with the help of grace, worship, Bible study, prayer, community, service, and evangelism.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Spiritual Intimacy: Cupid Can't Touch This!"

On this Valentine's Day its an opportune moment to celebrate the love of the greatest lover of all. "Cupid" will be getting a lot of praise today as he shoots his love-dipped arrows into the heart. You know the drill: when he draws back his bow and lets the arrow fly the person you are pursuing falls in love with you.

May I offer another perspective on Valentine's Day? We are the unsuspecting person who was pursued by the greatest lover of them all. Instead of a bow and arrow He used a cross to get His point across. Using the power of love and grace He had a direct hit upon our hearts and for us, life has never been the same again. His love wooed us, changed us, and allowed us to be drawn into a love that never grows old. Happy Valentine's Day!

May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Psalms of Discipleship (Worship) Principle #5. February 11, 2012

Now in Ebook Format. See below for details
Hello my dear friends! We are going to be reminded in this Psalms of Discipleship of the power that a life of worship can be for the disciple of Jesus. No matter where we are on our journey we will face enemies of the soul whose sole mission is to seek and destroy us. Using our own strength, we will crash and burn into spiritual failure. Using His strength, we choose to worship Him and leave the hard work (delivering us from all trouble) for Jesus to do. We fail when we try to do His job and rescue ourselves. In sum: its our job to worship Him. Its His job to rescue us.

Rescued by Him,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #5

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: 6 Willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O LORD, for it is good. 7 For He has delivered me from all trouble, And my eye has looked with satisfaction upon my enemies. Psalm 54:6-7

Core Value: Worship

Under attack lately? There are times when spiritual enemies on every side surround us. There are enemies within: like doubt, temptation, fear, and pride. Then, there are enemies without: like those who persecute us, who are unkind to us, who bully and abuse us. We feel outnumbered, we feel discouraged. We feel like giving up and surrendering our will to fight against our enemies any longer. In our own strength, we can become quickly overwhelmed and at a loss for what to do.

One of the great weapons in our arsenal of spiritual tools is the volitional decision to worship the Lord no matter how we feel, no matter how dire is our circumstance. It has been said, “praise breaks the back of the mood monster.” Worship that is real is a worship that occurs even during the direst of times. Praise and worship is what will get us through our spiritual battles. Having a heart of worship worked for the Psalmist years ago and it will work for us too.

Principle #5 & Personal Application: Quality disciples offer an intentional act of worship to the Lord that is filled with thanksgiving and praise.

A disciple with a heart of worship willingly . . .

• Makes a sacrifice of worship to the Lord.

• Gives thanks to His name.

• Acknowledges God for His deliverance.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

How proactive have I been when it comes to willingly giving God worship and praise for who He is?

When is the last time I can remember when the Lord “delivered me from all trouble?” What was going on and what was the outcome?

Lord Jesus, willingly I will sacrifice to You; I will give thanks to Your name, O LORD, for it is good. For You have delivered me from all trouble, And my eye has looked with satisfaction upon my enemies. May I always offer You an intentional act of worship that is filled with thanksgiving and praise.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2012 All rights reserved.

What others are saying about A One Year Journey With The Shepherd:

“Denny hit a home run in Psalms of Discipleship, his sincerity in writing brings you into an atmosphere of worship and learning.” Jeff Hoffart. Upper Level Manager, Business Consultant

“I am consumed with excitement and a fresh love for the Lord after reading A One Year Journey With The Shepherd!!! . . . The personal application sections are thought provoking, and attainable. I believe they are challenging in a way that creates a desire, instead of being out of reach for the growing believer.” Ericka Miller, MA Clinical Counseling

Now available in print and eBook formats. See for how you can purchase your copy today!

Why A One Year Journey With The Shepherd May Be A Great Resource For You!

You are invited to spend some time reading and reflecting upon “Psalms of Discipleship: A One Year Journey With The Shepherd,” a simple, easy to use, devotional experience. By spending five minutes or fifty-five minutes on the weekly devotion and Bible study, you will be afforded the opportunity to enhance your spiritual growth. This unique devotional consists of fifty-two practical lessons designed for small group or individual study.

What Is Psalms of Discipleship?

Psalms of Discipleship is:

•Explained Simply
•Practical for Life Situations
•Reflective and Thought-Provoking
•Devotional in Format

This unique devotional consists of not only fifty two lessons designed for small group or individual study, but also includes a topical index for a deeper study as well as a topical bibliography for the quality disciple’s reading list.

It is our hope that Psalms of Discipleship will become a useful tool for you, the reader, to learn how to better live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The format is simple, by design. The commitment to apply the Psalms to your life is up to you. May we all begin to experience a fresh approach to spiritual growth by living the discipled life with the help of grace, worship, Bible study, prayer, community, service, and evangelism.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Psalms of Discipleship (Grace) Principle #4 February 4, 2012

Hello my dear friends! Greetings to you on this first Saturday of February. All of us are on a journey. For some of us, life has been challenging, really hard at times. When it seems we can go no further and we come to the end of ourselves, the Lord is there to comfort, strengthen, and give courage to take the next step by faith. This week's Psalms of Discipleship is a powerful reminder of how great our God really is.

Resting in His care for me,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #4

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul. Psalm 54:4

Core Value: Grace

Wits Inn. Nobody wants to go there, but it’s a place we do visit from time to time. It’s a place where we go when we get to the end of our rope, when we reach the last nerve, when we’ve come to the final straw. Strange as it may seem, Wits Inn can be God’s best place for us. Why? Wits Inn is a place where the broken are welcomed and treated like royalty. Wits Inn is a place where healing can begin. Wits Inn is the place where the only currency allowed is the currency of grace. Wits Inn: who can’t afford to miss this place?

Principle #4 & Personal Application: Quality disciples place their full assurance in God’s sustaining power.

• Behold, God is: This means He is the One who is the primary constant in my life—He will always be there for me.

• God is my helper: This means He is the One who helps me when I cannot help myself.

• The Lord is the sustainer of my soul: This means He is the One who fills my depleting tank of spiritual emptiness when I become discouraged and weary of life.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

In what ways is “God my helper?”

How does the Lord sustain my soul?

Lord Jesus, thank You that You are my helper; thank You that You are the sustainer of my soul. May I always place my full assurance in Your sustaining power.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2012 All rights reserved.

What others are saying about A One Year Journey With The Shepherd:

“Denny hit a home run in Psalms of Discipleship, his sincerity in writing brings you into an atmosphere of worship and learning.” Jeff Hoffart. Upper Level Manager, Business Consultant

“I am consumed with excitement and a fresh love for the Lord after reading A One Year Journey With The Shepherd!!! . . . The personal application sections are thought provoking, and attainable. I believe they are challenging in a way that creates a desire, instead of being out of reach for the growing believer.” Ericka Miller, MA Clinical Counseling

Now available in print and eBook formats. See for how you can purchase your copy today!

Why A One Year Journey With The Shepherd May Be A Great Resource For You!

You are invited to spend some time reading and reflecting upon “Psalms of Discipleship: A One Year Journey With The Shepherd,” a simple, easy to use, devotional experience. By spending five minutes or fifty-five minutes on the weekly devotion and Bible study, you will be afforded the opportunity to enhance your spiritual growth. This unique devotional consists of fifty-two practical lessons designed for small group or individual study.

What Is Psalms of Discipleship?

Psalms of Discipleship is:

•Explained Simply
•Practical for Life Situations
•Reflective and Thought-Provoking
•Devotional in Format

This unique devotional consists of not only fifty two lessons designed for small group or individual study, but also includes a topical index for a deeper study as well as a topical bibliography for the quality disciple’s reading list.

It is our hope that Psalms of Discipleship will become a useful tool for you, the reader, to learn how to better live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The format is simple, by design. The commitment to apply the Psalms to your life is up to you. May we all begin to experience a fresh approach to spiritual growth by living the discipled life with the help of grace, worship, Bible study, prayer, community, service, and evangelism.