Thursday, March 27, 2008

Growing Kids To Become Adults


I have come to realize, very recently again, that life is full of transitions. This has become most vivid in my relationship with my son Andrew. It seems like only yesterday, that he was born. Now, he is 21 and has packed up and moved to Florida to start a new life of school, work, and brand new relationships. No doubt, there are many emotions at play in my heart: grief, sadness, joy, excitement. All valid, all consuming emotions.

And yet, there is a mysterious peace in my heart knowing that the Lord has entrusted Trish and I with this incredible gift of Andrew. We have loved him, trained him, and now have released him back to the Lord. It is hard to express this kind of love by using words, but Paul does a good job with it as he talked about Timothy, his disciple, who was like a son to him. I agree with Paul’s words:

I write this to you, Timothy, the son I love so much. All the best from our God and Christ be yours! 2 Timothy 1:2 (MSG)

To Andrew: the son we love so much. All the best from our God and Christ be yours!

For those who know Andrew, thanks in advance for keeping him in your prayers.

Experiencing grace in the journey,


March 27, 2008

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