Hello my dear friends! Each one of us face challenging circumstances as we follow Jesus. Some are easier to overcome than others. And then there are some life challenges that seem so impossible that we consider any chance of relief as practically non-existent.
Desperate times requires desperate measures. Desperate times requires a sharpening of our prayer life.
In this week's Psalms of Discipleship we gain some valuable insight into the life of the psalmist. He, like we, called upon the Lord in faith knowing that the God of all creation had both the time and the will to listen to him.
Aren't you glad you have the ear of the Lord?
Crying out to Him with you,
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #30
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears. Psalm 18:6
Core Value: Prayer
When the disciple of Jesus decides to follow Him, we are given no promises of a problem-free life. In fact, it seems the stronger commitment to Jesus can often lead to greater challenges to one’s faith. To illustrate the point, there is a verse in Scripture that few desire to high-light with their marker and claim the promise of “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Timothy 3:12
The quality of one’s prayer life and relationship with the Lord is often tested in the crucible of desperation. In the book Good to Great in God’s eyes: 10 Practices Great Christians Have in Common, Chip Ingram reminds us of how special prayer is to the Christian believer:
“Not only are great prayers deeply personal, they are also birthed in brokenness. When we come to God with a sense of bankruptcy, knowing we’re in a desperate situation and have no resources to get ourselves out of it, God pays special attention. Brokenness will cause us to pour out our heart to God rather than trying to find the right words or the most persuasive arguments to present to him.” Pg. 103
“Great prayers take God seriously . . . People who pray great prayers actually think God means what he says. Their prayers are promised centered, not problem centered. Because God is sovereign, omniscient, always good, and unable to lie, when he says he’ll do something, he will. Great prayers take the person, the program, and the promises of God seriously.” Pg. 107
Principle #30 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ does not hesitate to cry out to God for help.
• The disciple of Jesus Christ embraces prayer during times of distress.
• The disciple of Jesus Christ knows where to direct his or her prayer: to the Lord.
• The disciple of Jesus Christ is not too proud to call for help.
• The disciple of Jesus Christ fully expects God to hear his or her cry for help.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
Has it been my history to use prayer only during an “emergency”?
When I offer my prayers to God, how confident am I in knowing that He will listen to my heart?
Lord Jesus, You are always a prayer away. Forgive me for the times when I only come to You during a time of distress. Continue to teach me why I can come to You: it is because of Your sacrificial love for me. May our relationship not be founded upon “convenience” but may my prayers to You develop within me a heart of love and devotion to You—both in the good times as well in times of great distress.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
Our goal is simple: to follow the instructions of Jesus Christ and go and make disciples. Remember, a quality disciple makes up a quality life. The Discipled Life: We need to study it, practice it, and teach it. "For Ezra had set his heart TO STUDY the Law of the Lord, and TO DO IT and TO TEACH his statutes and rules in Israel." Ezra 7:10
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Principle #29--Psalms of Discipleship--July 24, 2010--Worship
Hello my dear friends. A warm, very warm . . . ok, a really hot welcome from sunny South Carolina. As we pass through the dog days of summer, I have a fresh appreciation for the blessing of air conditioning and cold drinks.
And even as I say this I am reminded that most of the world goes to bed every night uncomfortable with a lack of food, a lack of protection from the elements, a lack of good health. I often find myself worshiping the Lord for the "things" I have instead of worshiping Him for who He is and the great things He does.
This week's Psalms of Discipleship reminds us that the worship that pleases the Lord is a worship that goes beyond a busy activity of religion to a lifestyle of sacrificial worship that leads to a transformation of our mind. This kind of worship changes our mind and changes how we live this life--learning how to walk in His will.
Learning to worship Him as I walk with Him,
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #29
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: 1 "I love You, O LORD, my strength." 2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 3 I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:1-3
Core Value: Worship
A heart that has been touched by the power and presence of Almighty God will lead to an authentic worship of the Lord. Worship is the logical response of a needy person to a God who is not only great, but good too. Biblical worship is always focused upon His character and His awesome power. A disciple of Jesus desires to grow beyond a superficial worship into a life that is a living and holy sacrifice:
1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 (NASB95)
In the book, Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster underscores the priority of this kind of worship when he writes,
“If the Lord is to be Lord, worship must have priority in our lives. The first commandment of Jesus is, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength’ (Mark 12:30). The divine priority is worship first, service second. Our lives are to be punctuated with praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Service flows out of worship. Service as a substitute for worship is idolatry. Activity is the enemy of adoration.” (Pg. 160-161)
Principle #29 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ offers a dynamic worship of the Lord from a heart that knows Him personally: He is mine!
As a believer:
• I can have a loving relationship with God (vs.1).
• I can personally experience a life that is impacted by Him: He is my strength, He is my rock, He is my fortress, He is my deliverer, He is my God, He is my refuge, He is my shield, He is the horn of my salvation, He is my stronghold (vs. 2).
• I can call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised (vs. 3).
• I can be saved from my enemies (vs. 3).
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
How can I make sure that my relationship with the Lord is personal and not distant and far removed?
In what ways does my prayer life complement my worship of God?
Lord Jesus, how amazing it is to love and follow You! To walk with You gives me such an assurance that You will be my strength, rock, fortress, deliverer, God, refuge, shield, horn of my salvation, and my stronghold. By faith, I call upon You for You are worthy to be praised!
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
And even as I say this I am reminded that most of the world goes to bed every night uncomfortable with a lack of food, a lack of protection from the elements, a lack of good health. I often find myself worshiping the Lord for the "things" I have instead of worshiping Him for who He is and the great things He does.
This week's Psalms of Discipleship reminds us that the worship that pleases the Lord is a worship that goes beyond a busy activity of religion to a lifestyle of sacrificial worship that leads to a transformation of our mind. This kind of worship changes our mind and changes how we live this life--learning how to walk in His will.
Learning to worship Him as I walk with Him,
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #29
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: 1 "I love You, O LORD, my strength." 2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 3 I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:1-3
Core Value: Worship
A heart that has been touched by the power and presence of Almighty God will lead to an authentic worship of the Lord. Worship is the logical response of a needy person to a God who is not only great, but good too. Biblical worship is always focused upon His character and His awesome power. A disciple of Jesus desires to grow beyond a superficial worship into a life that is a living and holy sacrifice:
1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 (NASB95)
In the book, Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster underscores the priority of this kind of worship when he writes,
“If the Lord is to be Lord, worship must have priority in our lives. The first commandment of Jesus is, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength’ (Mark 12:30). The divine priority is worship first, service second. Our lives are to be punctuated with praise, thanksgiving, and adoration. Service flows out of worship. Service as a substitute for worship is idolatry. Activity is the enemy of adoration.” (Pg. 160-161)
Principle #29 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ offers a dynamic worship of the Lord from a heart that knows Him personally: He is mine!
As a believer:
• I can have a loving relationship with God (vs.1).
• I can personally experience a life that is impacted by Him: He is my strength, He is my rock, He is my fortress, He is my deliverer, He is my God, He is my refuge, He is my shield, He is the horn of my salvation, He is my stronghold (vs. 2).
• I can call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised (vs. 3).
• I can be saved from my enemies (vs. 3).
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
How can I make sure that my relationship with the Lord is personal and not distant and far removed?
In what ways does my prayer life complement my worship of God?
Lord Jesus, how amazing it is to love and follow You! To walk with You gives me such an assurance that You will be my strength, rock, fortress, deliverer, God, refuge, shield, horn of my salvation, and my stronghold. By faith, I call upon You for You are worthy to be praised!
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Principle #28--Psalms of Discipleship--July 17, 2010: Grace
A good day to all of you my friends......I'm sitting in a coffee shop at Barnes and Noble in Jacksonville. As I write this, it took a while to "connect" with you. Finding a power plug was an adventure, but finally, here I sit, fully charged. Then, my faithful pc (my wife kids are still trying to get me to become an apple guy) does not want to cooperate.
Enough of my small frustrations. This week's Psalms of Discipleship is going to discuss the value of people and how becoming a "treasure" is a life changing experience. May we all realize in a fresh way how precious we are to God and may we extend the same kindness and appreciation for each other.
Feeling mighty special today,
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #28
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 17:8
Core Value: Grace
How does it make you feel when someone considers you to be “special?” When you are made to feel special, there are certain words that describe what you might feel: “liked”, received, believed in, accepted, treasured, cherished, seen as precious, prized, loved, valued. These are the kinds of words, when personally experienced, which give warmth to the heart and comfort in the soul.
John Cloud and Henry Townsend (How People Grow) speak of the power of acceptance to the disciple of Jesus:
“When we finally understand that God isn’t mad at us anymore, we become free to concentrate on love and growth instead of trying to appease him.” Pg. 147
“What is acceptance, and why is it necessary in order for people to grow? The Bible teaches that acceptance begins with God: ‘Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.’ (Rom. 15:7). Christ’s acceptance of us is the model for how we are to accept each other.”. . . . Acceptance is the result of the working of grace. Because of God’s grace, we are accepted into relationship.” Pg. 149
May we all experience what it means to be accepted by God and then begin to extend that acceptance to others too.
Principle #28 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ takes great delight in being one of God’s prized possessions.
• It is because of the grace of God that we can be considered as a treasure to God.
• It is because of the grace of God that our personal value is not based upon what we are but upon whose we are.
• It is because of the grace of God that our security, our protection is in Him, hidden in the shadow of His wings.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
If God and I were to gaze into a mirror together, what precious qualities would He see in me?
Is there anything in my mind that prevents me from seeing me as God sees me?
Lord Jesus, it is true. You do love and value me. You consider me to be the apple of Your eye. I am a treasure to You. What marvelous grace has been given me; that while I was still a sinner, You died for me (Romans 5:8). As I journey in this life I can rest in the comfort of Your care for me.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
Enough of my small frustrations. This week's Psalms of Discipleship is going to discuss the value of people and how becoming a "treasure" is a life changing experience. May we all realize in a fresh way how precious we are to God and may we extend the same kindness and appreciation for each other.
Feeling mighty special today,
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #28
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 17:8
Core Value: Grace
How does it make you feel when someone considers you to be “special?” When you are made to feel special, there are certain words that describe what you might feel: “liked”, received, believed in, accepted, treasured, cherished, seen as precious, prized, loved, valued. These are the kinds of words, when personally experienced, which give warmth to the heart and comfort in the soul.
John Cloud and Henry Townsend (How People Grow) speak of the power of acceptance to the disciple of Jesus:
“When we finally understand that God isn’t mad at us anymore, we become free to concentrate on love and growth instead of trying to appease him.” Pg. 147
“What is acceptance, and why is it necessary in order for people to grow? The Bible teaches that acceptance begins with God: ‘Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.’ (Rom. 15:7). Christ’s acceptance of us is the model for how we are to accept each other.”. . . . Acceptance is the result of the working of grace. Because of God’s grace, we are accepted into relationship.” Pg. 149
May we all experience what it means to be accepted by God and then begin to extend that acceptance to others too.
Principle #28 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ takes great delight in being one of God’s prized possessions.
• It is because of the grace of God that we can be considered as a treasure to God.
• It is because of the grace of God that our personal value is not based upon what we are but upon whose we are.
• It is because of the grace of God that our security, our protection is in Him, hidden in the shadow of His wings.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
If God and I were to gaze into a mirror together, what precious qualities would He see in me?
Is there anything in my mind that prevents me from seeing me as God sees me?
Lord Jesus, it is true. You do love and value me. You consider me to be the apple of Your eye. I am a treasure to You. What marvelous grace has been given me; that while I was still a sinner, You died for me (Romans 5:8). As I journey in this life I can rest in the comfort of Your care for me.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Principle #27--Psalms of Discipleship--July 10, 2010--Prayer
Hello my dear friends. I pray that each one of you are doing well.
"got prayer?" This is a question we want to pursue this week. I'm sure that most, if not all, of us would agree that prayer is a good thing to do. But do we all believe that prayer works? At least, does it work "for me?"
The psalmist was convinced that prayer did work for him. Even in the midst of unpleasant circumstances, he was confident that his prayer to the Lord was his lifeline to his well-being. His prayer was personal, was expectant, and it was specific.
May each one of us experience the kind of prayer life where we are growing to trust in the Lord's care for us.
got prayer? I'm working on it.
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #27
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: I have called upon You, for You will answer me, O God; Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech. Psalm 17:6
Core Value: Prayer
One of the most successful marketing campaigns in recent years was the “got milk?” question that confronted us via billboards, magazines, and television commercials. Using a celebrity with a mustache of milk, the intention of the marketing company was to make sure that milk stayed on the forefront of our mind. It worked. Jeff Manning, the creative genius behind “got milk?”, wanted to boost a struggling milk industry in California. The campaign not only turned around slumping milk sales, but it changed the face of consumer marketing forever.
In some ways, many of us need to ask the question, “got prayer?” We know it is good for us. When we have tasted it, we usually desire more. We know it is good for us and we like the taste of it and the benefit it brings, but why is it that consistent, meaningful prayer is such a challenge for the disciple? Maybe we have a hard time believing that God really does listen to us, even in the ordinary affairs of life. Richard Foster expounds upon this when he writes,
“To believe that God can reach us and bless us in the ordinary junctures of daily life is the stuff of prayer. But we want to throw this away, so hard is it for us to believe that God would enter our space. . . . the only place God can bless us is right where we are, because that is the only place we are!” (Prayer, Pg. 11)
It is time for a fresh “campaign” for “got prayer?” It is a campaign that reminds each one of us that even though our prayer lives might be in a slump, all it takes is a belief that prayer not only works, but it works well. Why does it work well? Prayer is personal. Prayer is expectant. Prayer is specific. In other words, God wants to enter our space. Will we let him in?
Principle #27 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ cries out in prayer to a God who will not only listen but also answer.
• The prayer of a disciple of Jesus Christ is a personal one: “I have called upon You.”
• The prayer of a disciple of Jesus Christ is an expectant one: “For You will answer me, O God.”
• The prayer of a disciple of Jesus Christ is a specific one: “Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.”
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
How can I ensure that my prayer life will be driven by my relationship with the Lord and not fall into a meaningless routine of activity?
When I talk to God in prayer, how can I be certain that I am hearing His voice?
Lord Jesus, it is by faith, and faith alone, that I can cry out to You in prayer. I cannot “see” You, but I can sense Your presence. I cannot “touch” You, but I feel Your comforting arms around me. I cannot “hear” an audible voice, but I know the voice of the Shepherd in my heart. What a joy it is for me to know that when I do pray to You, You will answer me. Thank You O God for inclining Your ear to me and hearing my heart—for hearing the words that are spoken out loud and for hearing the words that remain hidden in my heart.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
"got prayer?" This is a question we want to pursue this week. I'm sure that most, if not all, of us would agree that prayer is a good thing to do. But do we all believe that prayer works? At least, does it work "for me?"
The psalmist was convinced that prayer did work for him. Even in the midst of unpleasant circumstances, he was confident that his prayer to the Lord was his lifeline to his well-being. His prayer was personal, was expectant, and it was specific.
May each one of us experience the kind of prayer life where we are growing to trust in the Lord's care for us.
got prayer? I'm working on it.
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #27
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: I have called upon You, for You will answer me, O God; Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech. Psalm 17:6
Core Value: Prayer
One of the most successful marketing campaigns in recent years was the “got milk?” question that confronted us via billboards, magazines, and television commercials. Using a celebrity with a mustache of milk, the intention of the marketing company was to make sure that milk stayed on the forefront of our mind. It worked. Jeff Manning, the creative genius behind “got milk?”, wanted to boost a struggling milk industry in California. The campaign not only turned around slumping milk sales, but it changed the face of consumer marketing forever.
In some ways, many of us need to ask the question, “got prayer?” We know it is good for us. When we have tasted it, we usually desire more. We know it is good for us and we like the taste of it and the benefit it brings, but why is it that consistent, meaningful prayer is such a challenge for the disciple? Maybe we have a hard time believing that God really does listen to us, even in the ordinary affairs of life. Richard Foster expounds upon this when he writes,
“To believe that God can reach us and bless us in the ordinary junctures of daily life is the stuff of prayer. But we want to throw this away, so hard is it for us to believe that God would enter our space. . . . the only place God can bless us is right where we are, because that is the only place we are!” (Prayer, Pg. 11)
It is time for a fresh “campaign” for “got prayer?” It is a campaign that reminds each one of us that even though our prayer lives might be in a slump, all it takes is a belief that prayer not only works, but it works well. Why does it work well? Prayer is personal. Prayer is expectant. Prayer is specific. In other words, God wants to enter our space. Will we let him in?
Principle #27 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ cries out in prayer to a God who will not only listen but also answer.
• The prayer of a disciple of Jesus Christ is a personal one: “I have called upon You.”
• The prayer of a disciple of Jesus Christ is an expectant one: “For You will answer me, O God.”
• The prayer of a disciple of Jesus Christ is a specific one: “Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.”
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
How can I ensure that my prayer life will be driven by my relationship with the Lord and not fall into a meaningless routine of activity?
When I talk to God in prayer, how can I be certain that I am hearing His voice?
Lord Jesus, it is by faith, and faith alone, that I can cry out to You in prayer. I cannot “see” You, but I can sense Your presence. I cannot “touch” You, but I feel Your comforting arms around me. I cannot “hear” an audible voice, but I know the voice of the Shepherd in my heart. What a joy it is for me to know that when I do pray to You, You will answer me. Thank You O God for inclining Your ear to me and hearing my heart—for hearing the words that are spoken out loud and for hearing the words that remain hidden in my heart.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Principle #26--Psalms of Discipleship--July 3, 2010--Grace
Hello my dear friends and a very happy July 4th weekend to you!
July 4th--Independence Day--is a celebration of freedom for Americans. Psalm 16:11 is also a celebration of freedom for those who follow Jesus Christ.
This kind of freedom is not bound to the citizens of a country but to the citizens of a Kingdom. While for Americans, July 4th is all about INDEPENDENCE (and rightfully so), for the disciple of Jesus Christ, Psalm 16:11 is all about DEPENDENCE (and rightfully so).
From my perspective, the older I become the more I have seen the need to become more dependent upon the Lord. I was reminded of this truth on July 3, 1998 (12 years ago today) when the Lord trusted me with a massive heart attack that nearly ended my life on earth. Face to face, I was reminded of my own mortality and have been forever changed. Each day since then has been received as a gift of God, a day I want to steward for His glory and for His purposes. After my heart attack, this Psalm spoke volumes to me and to my wife Trish and it remains a good reminder today.
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. . . But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works." Psalm 73:26, 28
12 years later, glad to be walking on the path of life with you.
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #26
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11
Core Value: Grace
Everyone makes choices, even when it comes to how one lives the Christian life. We can do it our way (the way of performance and works) and quickly discover our way is never good enough; never satisfying enough; never right for us. Or we can do it God’s way (the way of grace) and become overwhelmed with gratitude for His perfect direction, His abiding presence, and His abundant provision for us. In his classic book, Spiritual Theology, theologian Simon Chan states:
“Modern Christians are not lacking in ‘relevance.’ What they do lack is a disciplined life and a critical mind to resist the temptation to conform to what everybody thinks or does (Rom 12:1-3). What they sorely need is an in-depth spiritual renewal of the whole person in order to decide for God or for the world. Decisiveness is the mark of true discipleship. ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me’ (Mt 16:24). There is no ‘middle ground,’ according to Calvin: ‘either the world must become worthless to us or hold us bound by intemperate love of it.’” (Pg. 69)
May the Lord pour out His all sufficient grace upon us as we make our choices and follow Jesus.
Principle #26 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ experiences a fulfilled life marked by the grace of God.
• Because of the grace of God, the quality disciple discovers one’s purpose in life. The Lord will make known to me the path of life.
• Because of the grace of God, the quality disciple experiences full joy on life’s path. The Lord will allow me to know fullness of joy in His presence.
• Because of the grace of God, the quality disciple rests in the Lord’s perfect provision. The Lord’s right hand contains everything that I will ever need.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
How can I be certain that the Lord has me on the right path of life?
What descriptive words come to my mind when I experience fullness of joy as I abide in the presence of the Lord?
Lord Jesus, what grace You pour out upon me! Thank You for the grace that makes me to know the path of life for me. Thank You for the grace that allows me to experience fullness of joy as I abide in Your presence. Thank You for providing for me everything that I need in this life. Lord Jesus, in Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Thank You that I do not have to look to anyone else or anything else to give me what I need.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
July 4th--Independence Day--is a celebration of freedom for Americans. Psalm 16:11 is also a celebration of freedom for those who follow Jesus Christ.
This kind of freedom is not bound to the citizens of a country but to the citizens of a Kingdom. While for Americans, July 4th is all about INDEPENDENCE (and rightfully so), for the disciple of Jesus Christ, Psalm 16:11 is all about DEPENDENCE (and rightfully so).
From my perspective, the older I become the more I have seen the need to become more dependent upon the Lord. I was reminded of this truth on July 3, 1998 (12 years ago today) when the Lord trusted me with a massive heart attack that nearly ended my life on earth. Face to face, I was reminded of my own mortality and have been forever changed. Each day since then has been received as a gift of God, a day I want to steward for His glory and for His purposes. After my heart attack, this Psalm spoke volumes to me and to my wife Trish and it remains a good reminder today.
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. . . But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all your works." Psalm 73:26, 28
12 years later, glad to be walking on the path of life with you.
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #26
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Psalm 16:11
Core Value: Grace
Everyone makes choices, even when it comes to how one lives the Christian life. We can do it our way (the way of performance and works) and quickly discover our way is never good enough; never satisfying enough; never right for us. Or we can do it God’s way (the way of grace) and become overwhelmed with gratitude for His perfect direction, His abiding presence, and His abundant provision for us. In his classic book, Spiritual Theology, theologian Simon Chan states:
“Modern Christians are not lacking in ‘relevance.’ What they do lack is a disciplined life and a critical mind to resist the temptation to conform to what everybody thinks or does (Rom 12:1-3). What they sorely need is an in-depth spiritual renewal of the whole person in order to decide for God or for the world. Decisiveness is the mark of true discipleship. ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me’ (Mt 16:24). There is no ‘middle ground,’ according to Calvin: ‘either the world must become worthless to us or hold us bound by intemperate love of it.’” (Pg. 69)
May the Lord pour out His all sufficient grace upon us as we make our choices and follow Jesus.
Principle #26 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ experiences a fulfilled life marked by the grace of God.
• Because of the grace of God, the quality disciple discovers one’s purpose in life. The Lord will make known to me the path of life.
• Because of the grace of God, the quality disciple experiences full joy on life’s path. The Lord will allow me to know fullness of joy in His presence.
• Because of the grace of God, the quality disciple rests in the Lord’s perfect provision. The Lord’s right hand contains everything that I will ever need.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
How can I be certain that the Lord has me on the right path of life?
What descriptive words come to my mind when I experience fullness of joy as I abide in the presence of the Lord?
Lord Jesus, what grace You pour out upon me! Thank You for the grace that makes me to know the path of life for me. Thank You for the grace that allows me to experience fullness of joy as I abide in Your presence. Thank You for providing for me everything that I need in this life. Lord Jesus, in Your right hand there are pleasures forever. Thank You that I do not have to look to anyone else or anything else to give me what I need.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
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