A good day to all of you my friends......I'm sitting in a coffee shop at Barnes and Noble in Jacksonville. As I write this, it took a while to "connect" with you. Finding a power plug was an adventure, but finally, here I sit, fully charged. Then, my faithful pc (my wife kids are still trying to get me to become an apple guy) does not want to cooperate.
Enough of my small frustrations. This week's Psalms of Discipleship is going to discuss the value of people and how becoming a "treasure" is a life changing experience. May we all realize in a fresh way how precious we are to God and may we extend the same kindness and appreciation for each other.
Feeling mighty special today,
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #28
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 17:8
Core Value: Grace
How does it make you feel when someone considers you to be “special?” When you are made to feel special, there are certain words that describe what you might feel: “liked”, received, believed in, accepted, treasured, cherished, seen as precious, prized, loved, valued. These are the kinds of words, when personally experienced, which give warmth to the heart and comfort in the soul.
John Cloud and Henry Townsend (How People Grow) speak of the power of acceptance to the disciple of Jesus:
“When we finally understand that God isn’t mad at us anymore, we become free to concentrate on love and growth instead of trying to appease him.” Pg. 147
“What is acceptance, and why is it necessary in order for people to grow? The Bible teaches that acceptance begins with God: ‘Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.’ (Rom. 15:7). Christ’s acceptance of us is the model for how we are to accept each other.”. . . . Acceptance is the result of the working of grace. Because of God’s grace, we are accepted into relationship.” Pg. 149
May we all experience what it means to be accepted by God and then begin to extend that acceptance to others too.
Principle #28 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ takes great delight in being one of God’s prized possessions.
• It is because of the grace of God that we can be considered as a treasure to God.
• It is because of the grace of God that our personal value is not based upon what we are but upon whose we are.
• It is because of the grace of God that our security, our protection is in Him, hidden in the shadow of His wings.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
If God and I were to gaze into a mirror together, what precious qualities would He see in me?
Is there anything in my mind that prevents me from seeing me as God sees me?
Lord Jesus, it is true. You do love and value me. You consider me to be the apple of Your eye. I am a treasure to You. What marvelous grace has been given me; that while I was still a sinner, You died for me (Romans 5:8). As I journey in this life I can rest in the comfort of Your care for me.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
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