Saturday, December 11, 2010

Psalms of Discipleship--Principle # 49--December 11, 2010--Grace

Hello, my dear friends. As we enter the midpoint of the season of Advent, it is important to remind ourselves, in the midst of a very busy time of the year, of this very important question: why did God send His Son to earth in the form of a baby?

It was not to give us a reason to support our materialistic ways and spend ourselves into debt.

It was not so we would be consumed with busy activities that distract our focus away from Jesus.

It was not to fill our lives with "good cheer" once a year in December.

Jesus came to live among us, as a sinless man, die on the cross and three days later live again that we might have an advocate before a Holy Father. Jesus came so we might experience forgiveness of our sins, forever.

Merry Christmas,


P.S. Looking for a fresh approach to Christmas and the Advent Season? Allow me to suggest "Christmas Meditations of Worship" to you. This serves as a great personal or group study. The book is available in both print and ebook formats.

In writing this Christmas devotional, I adapted four devotionals on worship from the book Psalms of Discipleship: Growing in Grace (Please note: if you purchased Growing in Grace and desire to purchase Christmas Meditations, the worship devotionals are identical). I've added to each Psalm on worship selected Christmas scriptures, personal applications, classic carols, and serving exercises that will direct our heart to the Lord during this busy time of the year.

You can purchase your copy of Christmas Meditations of Worship in Florence by visiting National Hardware's Christmas Shop and Aroma Underground Coffee Shop or online by visiting this link:

Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #49

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; According to Your lovingkindness remember me, For Your goodness' sake, O LORD. Psalm 25:7

Core Value: Grace

Somewhere along the way, many of those who claim to be followers of Jesus, have been poisoned by the false belief that God demands perfection from us. “If we really love Him, we will not sin.” Theologically, we might push back on that statement. But what we really believe in our core and how we live out the Christian journey will ultimately tell the truth about us. We can become more spiritual than God, refusing to forgive ourselves, when God has already done so.

Dallas Willard reminds us that a life of grace is not defined by how many right answers about the Bible we possess.

“The narrow gate is not, as so often assumed, doctrinal correctness. The narrow gate is obedience—and the confidence in Jesus necessary to it. We can see that it is not doctrinal correctness because many people who cannot even understand the correct doctrines nevertheless place their full faith in him. Moreover, we find many people who seem to be very correct doctrinally but have hearts full of hatred and unforgiveness.” Pg. 275

“So life in the kingdom is not just a matter of not doing what is wrong. The apprentices of Jesus are primarily occupied with the positive good that can be done during their days ‘under the sun’ and the positive strengths and virtues that they develop in themselves as they grow toward ‘the kingdom prepared for them from the foundations of the world’ (Matt. 25:34).” Pg. 284-285

Willard, Dallas. 1998. The divine conspiracy: rediscovering our hidden life in God. San Francisco, CA: HarperSanFrancisco.

Because He loves us and has forgiven us through His work on the Cross, we can forgive ourselves too.

Principle #49 & Personal Application: The Quality disciple of Jesus Christ celebrates the incredible gift of forgiveness—past, present and future.

We were given an incredible gift of grace . . .

• When Jesus Christ forgave the sins in our past, present, and future. [Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions]

• When we were shown the lovingkindness of the Lord. [According to Your lovingkindness remember me]

• When our feeble prayers were directed to a good God. [For Your goodness' sake, O LORD]

• When God became flesh (the incarnation) and entered our neighborhood. Immanuel, God with us.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

Is there anything I have done in my past where I have not forgiven myself? What is the secret to experiencing God’s forgiveness of my sin?

Is my view of God as an unforgiving tyrant who is just waiting to punish me for my sin or do I see God as a loving heavenly Father who wants to set me free from my guilt and shame?

Lord Jesus, it is because of Your grace and Your grace alone that I can approach You and plead my case. Lord, I beseech You: please do not remember the sins of my youth or my many transgressions (and help me to do the same). Lord, according to Your lovingkindess remember me for Your goodness’ sake.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.

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