Saturday, April 30, 2011

Psalms of Discipleship--Principle #16--Community--April 30, 2011

Hello my dear friends! I pray that all of you are doing well. Some of you live in parts of the American South where there has been tragic loss of life and property in the past week. My thoughts and prayers have been with you.

This week's Psalms of Discipleship is about community and how we live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We live in a world where there are very few "absolutes" any more. Well, one thing we need to be sure of is that we "absolutely" understand the Gospel.

Learning with you,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #16

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: O magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together. Psalm 34:3

Core Value: Community

What does it mean to live out the gospel? What does it mean for the disciple of Jesus to have the gospel at the core of one’s being? The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most powerful, the greatest news the world has ever heard. And yet, the “good news” has been modified into a sometimes sterile, non-impacting, way of life. In fact, for many, the meaning of the gospel has been seized and turned into something that is a counterfeit. In his book, “Counterfeit Gospels: Rediscovering the Good News in a World of False Hope,” Trevin Wax suggests,

“What if the biggest danger to the church of Jesus Christ is not blatant heresy, the moral failures of church leaders, persecution, the rise of Islam or the loss of our rights? What if the biggest threat is counterfeit gospels within the church, ways of thinking and speaking about the good news that lead to a gradual drift from the truth of Scripture?”

This begs the question: what is the gospel? The gospel is the story of good news of how God had a plan, as evidenced in the Scriptures. The message of the Bible tells the story of four great themes: Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and Restoration.

The focal point of the story is Jesus Christ and the proclamation of His sinless and perfect life. In His life, He was the Lamb of God who willingly sacrificed His life for the sin of mankind. As the Lamb who died, He also rose from the grave as the Victor, the resurrected Savior. He now sits at the right hand of His Father, triumphant and glorious. And He is coming again! But the gospel does not end here.

The gospel is lived out in a community called the Church. It is the body that God has birthed to be the visible image of the Kingdom of God and His gospel. It is through community that God’s story is told to a needy world. It is through community that the focal point of God’s story, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only communicated verbally, but also communicated by the evidence of transformed lives. It is through community where discipleship takes place and spiritual growth occurs.

The gospel is alive and well. Are we living it out well?

Principle #16 & Personal Application: The quality disciple desires to experience spiritual growth with other members of the Body of Christ.

• A group of Christian believers will experience spiritual growth when there is a desire for magnifying the Lord, instead of magnifying another person or program.

• A group of Christian believers will experience spiritual growth when there is a desire for unity of worship, when Jesus Christ is exalted and His name is made great among the people.

• A group of Christian believers will experience spiritual growth when their group is known for their love for the Lord and for their love of people.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

Am I a member of a group where Jesus is magnified and exalted?

What does it feel like to be a part of a group where Jesus is magnified and exalted?

Lord Jesus, may I find in the fellowship of other like-minded believers a passionate desire to magnify and glorify You in everything that we say and do. May I grow closer to You as I grow closer to those who love and follow You.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2011 All rights reserved.

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