Saturday, August 6, 2011

Psalms of Discipleship--Principle #30--Bible Study--August 6, 2011

Warm greetings to you, my dear friends! Today we are going to discuss a topic that, for some, may be a struggle: learning how to gain a better handle on Bible study. For these, it has become a legalistic ritual. For others of you, you have found the mother lode of spiritual growth and continue to strike it rich. The psalmist gives us his perspective. May we learn and apply what he experienced.

Learning with you,


Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #30 (Bible Study)

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart." Psalm 40:8

Core Value: Bible Study

My way, or His way? My will, or His? This is the cosmic game of tug of war that every disciple of Jesus participates in everyday. One of the great resources the disciple of Jesus has to draw from is the Word of God. We need to study it, meditate upon it, and obey it. And yet, there is an important consideration for why we need to do this: it is not so we can become experts at Bible trivia. It is not so we can fill ourselves with knowledge, for knowledge’s sake. We approach God’s Word, through grace, because we want to know Him in a far deeper way, to embrace a more intimate relationship that will cause us to become more like Jesus.

There are at least two ways in which believers approach Bible study. One way is the way of the Pharisee. They know a lot, but are dead on the inside. Words like “should” and “must” constantly haunt the spiritual Pharisee. Bible study or a “quiet time” is done out of guilt or pride and is completely void of joy. It is this kind of legalism which drives them to performance, seeking not to only impress others who are watching, but ironically, even trying to please God in a sort of twisted way.

There is a far better way to approach Bible study. It is the way of grace. Grace draws us closer to Him. We come to learn a lot about the ways of the Lord, and a deeper knowledge of Him makes us alive on the inside. Words like “may” and “can” fill our hearts with a passion to know Him more and gives us a deep appreciation that God would reveal Himself to us on such an intimate level. Bible study or a “quiet time” is done as a “delight” as we experience a joy in His presence that only He can give (Ps. 16:11).

It is this kind of grace-driven life that draws us into a life where our imperfections are covered by the blood of Christ and where we find acceptance by Him and by those who love Him too.

Principle #30 & Personal Application: The quality disciple is so consumed by the Word of God that it becomes the only grid for how life is lived.

• Bible study, done for the right reasons, will produce a right desire: “I delight to do Your will, O my God.”

• Bible study, done in the right way, will produce a right reason to gain more knowledge of His Law: not to know more about Him, but to know Him better.

• Bible study, done with the goal of a right life, will produce a right course for life because of God’s Word that “is within my heart.”

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

When I read my Bible and come across a verse that challenges me to submit and obey, how do I usually respond to it?

What is my plan this week to place more of God’s Word within my heart?

Lord Jesus, may I always find delight in doing Your will. I confess, I often want my way but grant me the grace to want Your way more today than I did yesterday and even more tomorrow. May I make a fresh commitment today to place more of Your Word within my heart.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service​—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2011 All rights reserved.

Looking for a Bible study this summer for you and your small group? Check out this link on how you can download Psalms of Discipleship: Growing in Grace and make it available to your small group for FREE!​

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