Saturday, November 13, 2010

Psalms of Discipleship--Principle # 45--November 13, 2010--Grace

Hello my dear friends. I hope that you are in a good place today, a place where you sense God's comfort and care for you. The Psalmist causes us to stop and ponder a very important point: what are we to do, how are we to feel, when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death?

I pray that today each one of us would gain a fresh appreciation of how much the Shepherd of the Psalms loves and cares for us. May you sense His comfort and care for you.

No one ever cared for us, like Jesus.


Note: Thanks to all of you who have purchased your copy of Psalms of Discipleship: Growing in Grace. The first printing run is almost sold out. If you are local to Florence SC, there are a few copies for sale at National Hardware on East Palmetto Street in the Christmas Shop. Online, you can order your copy for only $15.99 (a $4 savings!). If you would like to have a devotional book that also serves as a spiritual life journal as well as a unique 21 point Bible study and personal assessment on grace, follow this link to my website,

Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #45

Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life

Key Scripture: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

Core Value: Grace

What is it that really scares us? Is it being misunderstood or being isolated and alone? Does the thought of failing health cause us to fear? Or does the worry of not having enough money set aside to take care of present and future needs cause us to panic? Does the fear of the unknown paralyze us from making any plans for the future? When confronted with a somewhat ominous journey through the valley of the shadow of death, what is the disciple of Jesus to do?

When the dark clouds seem to overwhelm us, we must walk in faith.

In his book, The shape of faith to come: spiritual formation and the future of discipleship, Brad Waggoner writes about the kind of faith that is needed for the disciple:

“Faith is often confused with a general sense of optimism or a vague sense that things will work out in the end. But this is not equivalent to biblical faith, which is rooted in the conviction that God is in full control of all things and that He has a purpose in every situation.” Pg. 183

“Exercising faith requires that we run in such a way that we win—that is, win in doing the will of God and running with a faith that abandons any option but God’s.” Pg. 188

God is in control . . . and we are not. Walking in His perfect will is always our best choice. These two gifts (grace and faith) from the Lord allow us walk through any challenges that come our way with His joy, His comfort, and His peace.

Principle #45 & Personal Application: The quality disciple of Jesus Christ has the most incredible sense of God’s comfort and care.

• We have been given great grace that sustains us in the most challenging of times. Everyone, sometime, will have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

• We have been given great grace that comforts us when horrible fear abounds. Everyone, sometime, if we have faith, will experience a marvelous sense of peace even when evil seeks to overwhelm and conquer us.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…

What kinds of feelings do I experience when I go through my own valley of the shadow of death?

How has God’s rod and staff been a comfort to me?

Lord Jesus, I am so grateful for Your great grace that richly abounds in my life when I am going through the valley of the shadow of death. I am comforted knowing that evil, though powerful and foreboding at times, cannot steal my peace. I feel safe as I sense the care of Your protection. In spite of my own harried circumstances, I am comforted by Your rod and staff. May I always look to You as the Good Shepherd who gives a grace that is sustaining and comforting.

The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism

Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.

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