Hello my dear friends! A few questions for us to consider: when you feel under siege and surrounded by the enemies of your soul, how do you cope? How do you survive? How do you thrive in the midst of challenging circumstances?
Psalm 23:5 gives us a wonderful word picture of God's grace as He not only intervenes in a supernatural way, but does so in an abundant way.
No matter what you may be facing today, it gives the Lord great pleasure to care for you in ways that only He can do.
Together, by grace, and through faith, lets take our place at the table. We have been given a front row seat to see our God at work.
Sitting with you too,
P.S. Looking for a fresh approach to Christmas and the Advent Season? Allow me to suggest "Christmas Meditations of Worship" to you. This serves as a great personal or group study.
In writing this Christmas devotional, I adapted four devotionals on worship from the book Psalms of Discipleship: Growing in Grace (Please note: if you purchased Growing in Grace and desire to purchase Christmas Meditations, the worship devotionals are identical). I've added to each Psalm on worship selected Christmas scriptures, personal applications, classic carols, and serving exercises that will direct our heart to the Lord during this busy time of the year.
The first Sunday in Advent is November 28th! You can purchase your copy of Christmas Meditations of Worship by visiting this link:
Print edition is only $10.00, includes shipping and handling.
eBook edition for download is $6.95
Psalms of Discipleship—Principle #46
Life Principles For Those Who Choose To Follow Jesus And Live The Discipled Life
Key Scripture: You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Psalm 23:5
Core Value: Grace
Wouldn’t it be nice if just being a “good” Christian meant having a life of ease and pleasure? Wouldn’t it be great if everyone got along and there would be no conflict? Wouldn’t it be . . . completely unrealistic?
The message of the Cross declares a completely different view of life. By definition, the Cross is a symbol of suffering and death. We are told to take up our cross, deny our self and follow Jesus. One of the beautiful truths from the Scriptures are the promises made to the believer who is undergoing difficult circumstances. In the midst of our trouble, the Lord is with us in a very special way. It all begins with having a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Michael Wilkins offers this perspective:
“When Jesus called men and women to follow him, he offered a personal relationship with himself, not simply an alternative lifestyle or different religious practices or a new social organization . . . Discipleship means the beginning of a new life in intimate fellowship with a living Master and Savior.” Pg. 355
Wilkins, Michael J. 1992. Following the Master: discipleship in the steps of Jesus. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
The grace of God (having an intimate fellowship with Lord) allows us not only to survive, but also thrive in the midst of extraordinary circumstances.
Principle #46 & Personal Application: The Quality disciple of Jesus Christ is the recipient of the most extraordinary care in the most extraordinary of circumstances
• The grace of God is given to the disciple of Jesus Christ, no matter how difficult the circumstances appear to be.
• The grace of God is given to the disciple of Jesus Christ, poured out upon us as He anoints us with His grace.
• The grace of God is given to the disciple of Jesus Christ, with an abundance that overflows our life.
Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder…
Can I recall a time when Jesus “prepared a table before me in the presence of my enemies?” What did I learn about His faithfulness to me?
Am I experiencing an overflow life of grace where my cup is overflowing? What is the secret to having a life where one’s cup does overflow . . . continually?
Lord Jesus, You are well aware of the spiritual battles I am fighting today. The battle is intense and at times (sometimes) I want to give up and give in to the enemy of my soul. Yet, Your great promise to me is that You will prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You will anoint my head with oil. You will see that my cup will not be able to contain itself, but will overflow with your blessed grace. Lord may I be drenched with Your grace as I sit in peace at this table You are preparing before me.
The Essential Core Values Of The Quality Disciple Are…
Grace—Worship—Bible Study—Prayer—Community—Service—Evangelism
Denny Bates & Something New Christian Publishers © 2010 All rights reserved.
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