Saturday, February 7, 2009

Psalms of Discipleship--Introduction to a New Way of Doing Devotions

Would You Like To Start Your New Year With A Fresh Look At God’s Word?

Over the years as I have studied, observed, and personally experienced spiritual growth, I have come to the right conclusion that one of the key catalysts to a believer’s spiritual growth is not just Bible study for the sake of information, but the kind of Bible study that leads the believer to reflect upon what is being read. Some call it a “quite time.” Others call it “personal devotions.” Call it what you will, but I call it an “essential spiritual practice” if one desires authentic and measurable spiritual growth.

Each week over the course of 2009 you are invited to spend some time reading and reflecting upon “Psalms of Discipleship,” a simple, easy to use, devotional experience. By spending five minutes or fifty five minutes on the weekly devotion, you will enhance your spiritual growth.

How does it work?
Part 1: The Scripture, the Core Value, and the Principle
Read the passage and reflect upon it, asking God to speak to your heart. He so desires to talk to you. Please give Him time, and listen.
Then, in the second column there is a specific core value of discipleship associated with this scripture. As we take this spiritual journey through the Psalms, we will discover together the seven core values that mark the life of the one who is following Jesus as His disciple. They are grace, worship, Bible study, prayer, community, service, and evangelism. Each week, we will all be challenged with this question: Is this core value woven into the fabric of my life?

In the third column is a brief, to the point, biblical principle based upon the passage from Psalms that the disciple of Jesus Christ seeks to adapt to his or her life.

Part 2: The Application, the Time to Reflect and Respond, the Prayer of Response
The Application is simple and straightforward. This will help you unpack the meaning of this passage and how it applies to your life. Don’t rush through it, but carefully, prayerfully, think through each point.

Reflect & Respond: Some Really Good Questions To Ponder is when you may wish to find some quality time in your day to think through these thought-provoking questions. As with the application, do not rush through these questions, but give yourself time to dialogue with God on what you are thinking.

The Prayer at the end we offer for you helps you summarize your thoughts. You may use our prayer as a point of beginning. Feel free to add to it.

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