Tuesday, April 1, 2008



Getting To Know God Better By Spending Face Time With Him


V. EVANGELISM is not optional. The story of the Gospel is too good to ignore. It must be told to others—both in word and in deed.

For the quality disciple, it all begins with having a foundation of grace…where as a result, we can worship God in the way He prefers…then, and only then, will we be able to experience genuine spiritual growth…where we will be able to serve as we share our spiritual gifts…and as we experience God’s grace, worship Him as He sees fit, grow in our relationship with Him, and serve using our gifts for Him, we will consequently have an authentic WITNESS to the lost using both our words and our deeds.

We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect* in Christ. Col. 1:28

*A Clearer Meaning:

What does it mean to present everyone perfect in Christ? Simply this: it does not mean to make perfect converts who never make a mistake, but to make disciples who are spiritually mature as they grow in Christ. It is called “discipleship.”

What does this say…What does it mean…What is God saying to me?

Am I comfortable talking about Jesus with a non-believer?

Do I have a good grasp of the teachings of Christianity in order to point seekers to saving faith in Jesus Christ?

Is the priority of my life such that the end goal of every relationship is to present everyone perfect (spiritually mature) in Christ?

Talking To God: My Face Time With Him

Lord of the Harvest, I want Your heart for the lost. How will they hear, if no one, including me, does not tell them about Your Gospel? I need Your grace as I proclaim You, admonishing and teaching everyone You place across my path with all wisdom; so that I may present them perfect and mature in Christ.

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